International & UK clients
We provide support for businesses both large and small through
Crisis Solution insurance and risk consultancy expertise.
Hostage Taking, Hijack and Assault

Hostage cover is designed to deliver a rapid expert response to any hostage situation in any environment by reducing the detention waiting period from four hours to one. Although more evident in schools and universities, any campus style environment presents potential security concerns. Coverage is provided for Crisis Response, public relations, legal fees, death and disability, legal liability and business interruption.
Hijack cover tends to be triggered when people are held against their will or under duress while travelling. Example scenarios include plane hijackings, protracted car-jackings and water vessel seizures.
Assault insurance delivers support following an incident involving a lethal weapon. Coverage extends to Crisis Response, Crisis Communications, Public Relations, Legal Liability, Business Interruption costs, physical injury and clean-up costs. Importantly too, this is supported with a consultancy program designed to help employers and employees plan for, and respond to, these critical incidents.